The following work plan was developed to support the process of the Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Comprehensive Master Plan. It serves as a means of tracking and celebrating milestones and project progress. The icons below represent the status of the various tasks of the project, with the green star indicating an "active" or "in progress" task, the blue check mark meaning that the task is complete, or the gray/white star indicating that the task has either not started or is incomplete.

Last Updated: 4/15/24

1. Project Planning

Phase 1: Project Planning and Administration

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    1. Conduct Initial Project Planning

    BerryDunn will conduct an initial project planning meeting virtually to make team introductions, review the roles and responsibilities of the consulting team, learn community updates since our August 2023 interview, review the plan for project communication, discuss status meetings, introduce the Editing and Quality Assurance (EQA) Department at BerryDunn, outline invoicing, and determine which platform to use to conduct check-in meetings.

  • Timeline item 2 - active

    2. Develop a Project Work Plan and Schedule

    BerryDunn will develop a Project Work Plan and Schedule, which will include terms and definitions, estimated deliverable due dates, and outline the full scope of work. In addition, the Project Work Plan will incorporate agreed upon procedures between BerryDunn and ACCGov related to project control, including quality management and deliverable submission/acceptance management.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    3. Facilitate a Kickoff Presentation.

    BerryDunn will conduct an on-site kickoff presentation with the ACCGov project team that will serve as an opportunity to introduce our project team members, discuss project goals, present our project approach and methodology, review the final schedule of key project dates, and answer questions from the ACCGov project team. While on-site, BerryDunn will also tour areas of the system and parks, recreation facilities, and cultural arts resources. This tour will give BerryDunn and Pond grounded exposure to physical resources, user experience, and staff environments.

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    4. Conduct a Data Review.

    One of the most important elements of this process will be BerryDunn’s ability to gain knowledge about plans, structure, operations, and systems, as well as the Department’s staff and the ACCGov Athens community. To start the process, BerryDunn will submit an information request to the ACCGov project team to gather applicable documents and data. BerryDunn may

    request recent and current planning work. ACCGov will only be asked to provide documents and data that are available. All information gathered will be reviewed by the consulting team to inform an understanding of the current operations, glean insights from work completed to date, and minimize impacts to Department staff during the work effort.

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    5. Analyze Demographics and Population Projections.

    To provide insight into the Athens community for ACCGov’s parks, recreation facilities, cultural resources, and arts facilities, BerryDunn will conduct a demographic analysis and community profile of Clarke County. BerryDunn will utilize all information available from previous planning efforts, the U.S. Census Bureau, Esri, and other national and local sources, and work directly with ACCGov leadership to help document growth, redevelopment areas, and land use changes.

2. Engagement

Phase 2: Engagement

  • Timeline item 1 - active

    1. Create a Detailed Engagement Strategy.

    To create actionable and implementable recommendations, it is important to engage multiple user groups and non-users of the Department’s system. To reach a broader section of community members, BerryDunn proposes multiple engagement strategies including both virtual and in-person for this master planning project.

    To develop a Detailed Engagement Strategy with ACCGov, BerryDunn will utilize both virtual and in-person options, identify and describe methods of community involvement, identify key stakeholders, create a schedule for public input events, develop a schedule for the promotion and coordination of stakeholder input events, and identify specific stakeholder interview and focus group questions. The Detailed Engagement Strategy will be developed with ACCGov’s culture and identity in mind.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    2. Develop a Project Brand.

    Creating a brand for a master planning project helps to establish buy-in throughout the community and make residents more aware of how to connect with Department offerings and facilities. BerryDunn will work with ACCGov to develop a message and brand for the Leisure Services Department Comprehensive Master Plan that is recognizable by community members, park users, and appeals to people of many backgrounds.

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    3. Develop a Project Website and Engagement Portal.

    BerryDunn will work with ACCGov staff to create a project website via Social Pinpoint that will keep the community informed of the project. ACCGov’s Social Pinpoint site will also provide community members a means to share valuable input. This interactive online tool helps strengthen ACCGov’s relationship with its stakeholders, resulting in a diverse collection of feedback and better-informed Master Plan. BerryDunn will collaboratively determine with

    ACCGov’s project team which Social Pinpoint tools will best serve the most diverse and equitable outreach outcomes.

    BerryDunn will maintain the project website throughout the planning process to keep residents and staff up to date on project progress and promote participatory events. All data collected via Social pinpoint will be turned over at the completion of the project in its entirety to ACCGov. All data collected will be the property of ACCGov.

    BerryDunn has the ability to customize and ensure compliance with ACCGov polices and preferences for managing public comment. The domain name for the Social Pinpoint site will be reviewed and approved by the ACCGov project team. All of the data collected via Social Pinpoint will be provided to ACCGov at the conclusion of the project.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    4. Conduct Internal Leader and Staff Activities.

    Internal engagement with ACCGov Staff will include a survey, interviews, and focus groups with all members of the Department to collect input on activities, focusing on recreation programs, services, and facility operations. These meetings will provide internal stakeholders an opportunity to provide input related to the future direction of ACCGov’s parks, recreation programming, cultural and arts resources. Staff perspectives are extremely important and BerryDunn’s approach intentionally involves staff throughout the entire process, as they will have responsibility for implementing the recommendations. The internal engagement will be carefully planned with the ACCGov leadership and included in the Engagement Strategy.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    5. Facilitate Stakeholder Meetings.

    To gather information related to needs and interests, BerryDunn will hold meetings with key stakeholders composed of community leaders from ACCGov, Clarke County school district representatives, user groups, friend groups, alternative providers, and other groups or individuals relevant to the community and Master Planning Process.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    6. Host Public Input Session

    BerryDunn will facilitate public focus groups to collect input from key community stakeholders. BerryDunn will also seek input from businesses, nonprofits, homeowner associations, neighborhood associations, public agencies, and volunteer partners, as well as any neighborhood alliances and representatives. Further, BerryDunn will reach out to representatives of identified under-represented population groups and engage them in the assessment and recommendations development process, helping to ensure an inclusive and equitable engagement process

  • Timeline item 7 - active

    7. Conduct a Statistically Valid Survey.

    BerryDunn will work with ETC to create a survey to be mailed to a representative sample of households within Clarke County. The minimum response to be statistically valid will be 600 households. The survey will provide critical information in determining community values, satisfaction levels, needs and priorities, preferred marketing channels, current levels

    awareness, current usage levels, and demographic information for long-range planning efforts regarding Leisure Services and recreation opportunities. ETC will administer the survey by a combination of mail and online, and ETC Institute will submit a final report to ACCGov.

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    8. Prepare an Engagement Feedback Summar

    BerryDunn will provide a summary of insights gleaned throughout the engagement process. Key findings generated from the demographics analysis, staff engagement, and community engagement activities will be assessed in relationship to each other. BerryDunn will identify the common themes woven throughout the meetings, electronic engagement tools, and identify potential service gaps, as well as pertinent observations garnered through the feedback. This assessment of community needs will inform recommendations.

  • Timeline item 9 - incomplete

    9. Facilitate Public Presentations.

    BerryDunn will facilitate the first series of presentations following engagement to present findings to interested community members. The first of these presentations will be offered exclusively to Department Staff and invited ACCGov partners. Additional presentations will be scheduled outside of traditional work hours and at three different locations. Additional input will be sought at these presentations and included in the analysis. Additionally, a presentation may be requested at a Mayor and Commission work session.

3: Analysis

Phase 3: Analysis

  • Timeline item 1 - incomplete

    1. Conduct an Inventory of Parks, Facilities, Trails, and Open Space.

    BerryDunn will utilize all available base GIS materials to compile an updated assessment of parks, recreation programming, cultural, and arts resources, open spaces, trails, and amenities within ACCGov. BerryDunn will supplement the inventory with various tasks including research, mapping, and personal inspection, noting conditions of parks, open spaces, natural areas, and trails.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    2. Research Similar Providers

    To help ensure ACCGov and its community have a clear understanding of the key topics and trends influencing the next several years, BerryDunn will compare the agency to similar providers. BerryDunn will look at comparative trends and available benchmarks for financial sustainability, asset management, programs and services, and related planning aspects. Additional topics may be identified to help understand and prioritize other community concerns, including but not limited to sustainability and resilience, social equity and affordability, and other industry trends.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    3. Prepare an Inventory and Analysis of Programs.

    BerryDunn will develop an inventory of existing programs offered by the Department and subsequently compare the inventory to feedback collected during the engagement process. This will help ensure program offerings are aligned appropriately with community needs. BerryDunn typically reviews programs according to the following age groups:

    · Early Childhood: 0 to 5 years

    · Youth: ages 6 – 12 years

    · Teens: ages 13 – 17 years

    · Adults: ages 18 – 54 years

    · Seniors: ages 55+ years

    These age groups can be customized to meet the needs of ACCGov and the adult age group can be broken down further if desired.

    The program and services inventory will be matched up to the parks, facilities, open space, natural areas, and trails analysis to help ensure there are appropriate spaces for future programs. The Recreation Assessment will also include a review of arts and culture resources and similar providers.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    4. Analyze Trends.

    BerryDunn will lead a strategic trends analysis that will consider demographic shifts and their impact on future parks, recreation, and cultural arts provisions. This analysis will identify interest and participation levels for a variety of activities and assess how services are provided through both administrative and planning trends. This process also includes strategic analysis of local, state, and national best practices, along with the latest parks and recreation industry trends.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    5. Assess Staffing, Operations, and Funding

    BerryDunn will assess the Department and relevant internal partners to inform plan recommendations, including reviewing the organizational structure, service delivery plans, shared use agreements, reviewing applicable operating, special fund, and capital budgets, and reviewing personnel capacity and resources.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    6. Present Findings to the Public

    Following the conclusion of all tasks in Phase 3, BerryDunn will conduct the second series of public presentations to update constituents on what was learned during the analysis phase. The first will again be for the Department Staff and invited partners. The consulting team will host three presentations outside of traditional hours and at different locations for the public Additionally, a presentation may be requested at a Mayor and Commission work session

4. Visioning

Phase 4: Visioning

  • Timeline item 1 - incomplete

    1. Prepare Level of Service Recommendations.

    Based on the BerryDunn analysis, site visits, stakeholder, and community engagement, the consulting team will develop a series of prioritized recommendations that align with goals established for the plan. The consulting team will hold a visioning session to collaboratively develop recommendations with Department Leadership.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    2. Develop Recommendations for the Park Classification System

    Based on the review of existing conditions and agreed upon expansion and changes to the Leisure Services Department, the consulting team will recommend a park classification system. This new park classification system may impact the Department’s targeted audience, programming, and capital improvements.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    3. Develop Recommendations for Natural and Cultural Resource Management (Site Specific)

    Once the project team establishes overall policy recommendations and priorities for natural and cultural resource management, the consulting team will recommend improvements and adjustments to specific sites. These recommendations will prioritize site improvements that can support long-term resiliency of individual assets and align with specific location needs and any applicable governing documents. Special emphasis will be placed on the Rock & Shoals natural area

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    4. Develop Recommendations for Land Acquisition

    Stakeholder and staff engagement, along with a gap analysis, will help inform the criteria for evaluating potential acquisitions. ACCGov currently has SPLOST funds designated for the purchase of property to develop a west side community park so land acquisition in this area will be a priority. The consulting team will use a scoring matrix to identify potential available land for acquisition. Another factor will be land ACCGov already owns and has been conceptually master planning. Programming for future park sites will further inform the analysis. Pond will provide ACCGov with a list of recommended potential acquisitions; specific acquisition sites will be listed outside of the publicly available master plan document.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    5. Develop Recommendations for Parks, Trails, Natural Areas, and Open Space Facilities.

    Following a review of ACCGov’s facilities, the consulting team will provide a list of recommended and prioritized improvements. The Greenway Network Plan and Athens-In-Motion Plans will inform these recommendations that will consider both on-site improvements and improved connections for greater accessibility.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    6. Develop A Pocket Park Policy and Plan.

    The consulting team will map existing municipal-owned parcels and areas of public rights-of-way to understand the potential for new pocket park locations. Feedback from community and staff coupled with on-site evaluations will help determine the best locations. ACCGov owns

    several sites that could be considered for Pocket Parks and these would be prioritized over new land acquisition. Pond will develop criteria for establishing a pocket park, operational needs, and budgetary impacts. Recommendations will also include a resources allocation and implementation plan. Pond will create categories for Pocket Parks and create conceptual graphics of potential designs and precedent imagery. Review of ACCGov any regulations, ordinance, set-backs, and best practices will be referenced for right-of way areas

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    7. Identify Unmet Service Needs.

    The consulting team will analyze the information on usage, needs, desires, operations, maintenance, land use trends, and make recommendations. The consulting team will identify areas of service shortfalls and projected impact of future trends.

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    8. Identify Areas of Significant Recreation Opportunities.

    Using results of the inventory and community and stakeholder engagement, the consulting team will identify areas of significant recreation opportunities. These may include, but will not be limited to, events, open spaces, connectivity networks, etc.

  • Timeline item 9 - incomplete

    9. Create a Summary of Staffing Recommendations.

    Based on the organizational assessment conducted as part of Phase 3, BerryDunn will develop a summary report of current and future staffing and operational needs. This report will include incremental implementation steps and suggested job descriptions and duties. ACCGov may request examples of additional job descriptions as needed.

  • Timeline item 10 - incomplete

    10. Develop Recommendations for Budgeting and Capital Funding.

    The consulting team will assign budgetary numbers for all capital improvements. These costs will be high-level and single line-item numbers for each park/recommendation. These will be summarized in a matrix with potential timelines and prioritization ratings.

  • Timeline item 11 - incomplete

    11. Present Outcomes of Phase 4 to the Public

    The consulting team will host the third series of milestone meetings upon completion of Phase 4. At these meetings, BerryDunn will present recommendations and confirm the plan to address the gaps. The first of these meetings will be offered to Department Staff and invited partners. Public meetings will be scheduled outside of traditional work hours and at different locations. Additionally, a presentation may be requested at a Mayor and Commission work session.

5. Implementation Strategy

Phase 5: Implementation Strategy

  • Timeline item 1 - incomplete

    1. Develop Yearly Goals and Objectives.

    Following the development of recommendations and public presentation, BerryDunn will develop Yearly Goals and Objectives. This report will contain action steps with a step-by-step checklist and timeline. The plan will also present prioritized strategic initiatives based on staff

    input, aligned with a clear timeline for implementation and outlining feasible funding strategies to fill potential funding gaps.

    D10: Yearly Goals and Objectives

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    2. Develop a Storytelling Guide.

    Since this plan will be based heavily on community engagement, it is important to involve the public in its implementation. BerryDunn will develop a Storytelling Guide that identifies wins and milestones to share on ACCGov’s website and social media. This will keep the public informed of plan progress

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    3. Identify Potential Partnerships

    The consulting team will identify key partners in the community throughout the planning process and can provide recommendations to enhance partnership agreements and deliverables. Additional opportunities for funding will also be assessed in this area.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    4. Review Existing Policies and Procedures

    BerryDunn will review relevant policies and procedures and recommend changes and updates that will support achievement of plan implementation.

6. Final Plan

Phase 6: Draft and Final Leisure Services Comprehensive Master Plan

  • Timeline item 1 - incomplete

    1. Prepare a Draft Plan

    The consulting team will summarize and synthesize all research and stakeholder input and develop recommendations and priorities into a Draft Leisure Services Comprehensive Master Plan. The consulting team will work with ACCGov’s project team to prioritize recommendations, balancing needs and cost/benefit analyses, capacity of ACCGov, and potential budgetary realities. The result will be a set of recommendations phased into immediate, near-term, and long-term time frames that address goals and action strategies. The consulting team will present the final master plan report to the Mayor and Commission (M&C). Presentations are typically scheduled during the monthly M&C work sessions, which are hld the 2nd Tuesday of each month. ACCGov staff will need to request time on the agenda 3 to 4 months in advance.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    2. Facilitate a Review Session.

    After applying first round edits, BerryDunn will facilitate a review session with ACCGov to discuss feedback and recommendations within the plan. BerryDunn will plan to include a section in the Leisure Services Comprehensive Master Plan that will provide a detailed sequence of steps needed for successful implementation, as well as review techniques to effectively deploy the plan with ACCGov.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    3. Deliver a Presentation of the Final Draft Plan.

    BerryDunn will present the Leisure Services Comprehensive Master Plan Final Draft to the ACCGov Mayor and Commission to provide an opportunity for review and final edits.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    4. Finalize the Plan

    After implementing edits, a final presentation of the plan will be given to Mayor and Commission for adoption. After adoption by the Mayor and Commission, the final plan will be hosted on the ACCGov’s website for public access.