Through the initial round of Stakeholder Meetings and Public Outreach, the design team had distilled the following themes to guide decision making. To confirm plan priorities, please rank how strongly you agree or disagree with these themes.

Washoe County invites the public to participate in the final round of public feedback for the Rancho San Rafael Regional Park Vision Plan Update. The Park Vision Plan process aims to review and analyze Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, from amenities and facilities to programs and operations. The goal is to create a roadmap for the future. The last comprehensive plan was unveiled in 1990, with the most recent implementation plan following in 2002. It is imperative for the County to update this framework to offer clear direction for project prioritization, maintenance strategies, and overall park management. More importantly, the updated plan must align closely with the evolving needs and desires of our vibrant community, ensuring that Rancho San Rafael continues to serve as a cherished recreational space for generations to come. This public outreach phase will help Dig Studio and Washoe County confirm the direction of the recommendations, as well as prioritize recommended improvements for the overall vision plan. After receiving public input, Dig Studio will synthesize that information to complete the final Vision Plan Update which will form a prioritized action list and an implementation strategy, offering guidance on how the county can execute these recommendations, along with potential funding avenues for implementation and maintenance. We look forward to your continued engagement in shaping the future of Rancho San Rafael Regional Park.
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