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The Master Plan process aims to review and analyze the entire parks and recreation system, from parks and facilities to programs and operations. The goal is to create a roadmap for the future. This project website is a means to stay connected to the project, to learn about upcoming engagement opportunities, and provides an additional chance to provide feedback.

As part of this planning effort, the Village of Riverside is sending all community members a statistically valid survey. If you are a user of Department programs, your survey will be emailed. If you are not a Department user, your survey will be mailed. When you receive the survey, please take 15 minutes to complete and submit your response via online or mail. While this website offers an additional and social opportunity to provide feedback, it is important that participants fill out the survey that is sent to them.

Your feedback will help guide the Village's Parks and Recreation Department make informed decisions that will best meet your needs over the next 10 years.

We have many opportunities to build and improve our future. Take a moment and provide your feedback through a variety of interactive engagement features by:

  • Pinning your comment on the interactive map
  • Prioritizing spending by voting for desired budget items
  • Providing feedback on the ideas board
We look forward to hearing from you!


Quick Survey

Interactive Map

Map Your Ideas



Ideas Board

Share Your Ideas

Riverside Ideas Board

Welcome to the Ideas Wall! Please select from the categories, Recreation Programs, Parks, Trails, and Natural Resource Management, and submit your suggestions and feedback. Feel free to pin your ideas on the relevant topic, and let's work together to shape the future of the Village of Riverside!

23 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

We need some dedicated pickle ball courts. Maybe convert Harrington Park to pickle ball and leave Indian Garden and Blythe for tennis!

22 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Staff bios should be shared with parents so that we have information about who is overseeing our children attending Parks & Rec programming.

21 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Maybe have the museum open more and have more water fountains

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Playground equipment/children’s area at Indian Gardens.

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Make it easier to sign up for programming (the July 4th race for example) and better market the programs, so people know what is available.

20 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Modular playgrounds-the playground at Ames could be switched with the playground at Turtle park, so each year the kids have “new” equipment

11 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

Not every playground has to be garish, primary colors, if that's what's been holding us back. Natural wood style playgrounds would be great!

8 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

I’ve heard the same comments for over 10 years…for a town with such high taxes and so much money, why are our playgrounds so underwhelming.

8 July, 2024

Anonymous says:

I personally don’t consider local programs because there’s always been very little. Neighboring towns have more to offer our kids.

30 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Is there any way the Village could partner with the Forest Preserves to clean up and better manage the trails and in Riverside lawn?

29 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Given the amount of children and young families in Riverside, our playgrounds should be so much better. Please update!

28 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

More trash receptacles in parks and along the river, better access to river edge and cleanliness for safe water exploration


Riverside Happenings

Join us at these events to provide feedback about the future of recreation in Riverside!

Friday, June 21, 2024 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Movie in Big Ball Park

The Village of Riverside is working on a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Share your input by visiting an in-person event!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 4:00 pm

Riverside Farmers' Market

The Village of Riverside is working on a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Share your input by visiting an in-person event!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024 5:00 pm

Concert at Guthrie Park

The Village of Riverside is working on a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Share your input by visiting an in-person event!

Project Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Phase 1: Initial Project Planning

    • Initial Project Planning
    • Project Work Plan and Schedule
    • Kickoff Presentation
    • Conduct Data Review
    • Analysis of Demographics and Population Projections
  • Timeline item 2 - active

    Phase 2: Community Engagement

    • Create a detailed engagement strategy
    • Develop a project website and engagement portal
    • Conduct internal leader and staff activities
    • Facilitate stakeholder meetings
    • Host public input sessions
    • Conduct a statistically valid survey
    • Prepare an engagement feedback summary
  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Phase 3: Parks and Facilities Assessment

    • Conduct Park inventory and resource mapping
    • Create a natural resources management plan
    • Conduct benchmarking and national comparisons
  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Phase 4: Recreation Program Analysis

    • Prepare an inventory and analysis of programs
    • Evaluate the Department's current cost structure
    • Assess staffing levels
  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Phase 5: Parks and Recreation Master Plan

    • Facilitate a vision session
    • Develop prioritized recommendations
    • Estimate capital and operational costs
    • Develop conceptual plans for facility and park recommendations
    • Evaluate the feasibility of suggested strategies
    • Develop an action plan
    • Prepare a draft plan
    • Facilitate a review session
    • Final Presentation and Master Plan