We want to inform you!

The City of Boise Planning and Development Services Department (PDS), in conjunction with the Department of Public Works and other applicable department review functions, is undergoing a project to understand service costs and how services are delivered to help ensure that associated fees are appropriate and equitable.

This evaluation will consider the entire development and construction process from zoning entitlement through certificate of occupancy and recommend the most fiscally responsible approach from both the City and customer perspectives.

Through this project we are committed to preparing an accurate an examination of revenue generated and expense incurred related to review, permit, inspection, and service offerings. These analyses will allow the City to make informed policy decisions for each service and permit type related to fee levels, revenue generation, and customer impacts in the future. Furthermore, we are committed to sharing our progress and creating opportunities to hear from, and involve, staff, stakeholders, and community members throughout all phases of the project.

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