Planning for a strong future

Welcome to the project website and community engagement portal for the Town of Naples' Comprehensive Plan Update. The new Comprehensive Plan will guide future growth, policy, and investment decisions. The Comprehensive Plan is a town-wide document that reflects the vision, values, and priorities of the community and provides a roadmap to achieve the Town's vision. Your input is needed to guide this planning process and shape the future of Naples.

We want to hear from you! Click the button below to share your thoughts.

Take the Naples Community Survey!

Share your input on the current challenges and strengths of the Town and identify values and priorities for Naples' future! Your survey response will be used to inform the creation of the plan's vision statement and future engagement opportunities.

​Naples from above

Frequently Asked Questions

A comprehensive plan is a document designed to guide the future actions of a community and provides a legal basis for certain land use ordinances. It presents a vision for the future, long-range goals and objectives, and an implementation strategy for how to achieve the community’s vision over time. Planning helps to ensure that future growth and policy decisions are consistent with the Town's vision and that the community is prepared to respond to potential changes, including economic shifts, environmental impacts, and technology innovations. By adopting a comprehensive plan that is in compliance with Maine’s Growth Management Act, the Town will also be eligible for certain state funding.

The comprehensive planning process provides a community with the opportunity to reflect on its past strengths and areas for improvement while also creating actionable steps to address current priorities. The new plan will be a guide for future growth and development, covering subjects such as, but not limited to, land use, zoning, capacity and expansion of utilities, economic development, transportation, housing, recreation, capital budgeting, municipal services and facilities, and regional coordination. The plan will also formulate a direction for effective public policy, master planning, and land use decisions for the future.

Planning helps to ensure that future growth and policy decisions are consistent with the Town's vision and that the community is prepared to respond to potential changes, including economic shifts, environmental impacts, and technology innovations.

The planning process involves broad engagement of residents and stakeholders in crafting a plan that truly mirrors the needs and values of the Town today as it prepares for the opportunities of tomorrow.

The Comprehensive Plan will be used by the Select Board, Comprehensive Plan Committee, staff, boards, committees, and commissions to guide decision making; however, the successful implementation of a comprehensive plan requires involvement from the whole community. Residents, business owners, community organizations, local leaders, regional agencies, and schools can all play a part in realizing the Town's vision.

Feedback collected during initial community engagement activities will focus on broad community priorities and values. This information will be compiled and summarized. Key themes and priorities will be identified and will be the basis for a draft vision statement. The community will have an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the draft vision statement which will then serve as the foundation for the Plan’s policies and strategies. The community will also have an opportunity to participate in more focused discussions on future land use and other key issues to provide suggestions and feedback on policy and strategy recommendations.