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Round Lake Area Park District Master Plan Engagement Site Banner Image


Survey engagement tool banner

Ideas Wall

Ideas wall engagement tool banner

We want to hear your feedback. Please tell us your thoughts about Round Lake Area Park District parks, facilities, and programs! Upload a photo or write your thoughts on the virtual sticky notes below.


Forum engagement tool banner image

Select Read and Contribute to share your thoughts and join our forum discussion.

Interactive Map

Interactive map engagement tool

This interactive map is your place for sharing thoughts and suggestions on specific parks, amenities, and facilities managed by Round Lake Area Park District.

To add a pin, select Add Marker in the bottom right corner and drop the pin or enter the address for the location you want to leave feedback or suggestions on.

Budget Prioritization

Budget tool engagement tool banner image

In this exercise, imagine you have been given $100 to spend across various categories. We want to learn how community members allocate these funds so that we can better understand future budget priorities.