About the Homelessness Strategic Plan
In 2022, the City commissioned a homelessness study from Moss Adams, which evaluated the City's homelessness response and prevention efforts. During this process, the City and Moss Adams conduced community outreach to understand strengths and challenges in the City's homelessness response and outline the community's priorities related to homelessness.
The Moss Adams report outlined several recommendations to improve the City’s homelessness response and prevention efforts. A link to this report can be found in the document library below.
One of the recommendations of the report was to develop a homelessness strategic plan to better coordinate and allocate resources between City departments, local service providers, and regional partners. In the FY 2023-24 budget, the City Council directed staff to create a Homelessness Strategic Plan, or HSP, that aligns all City departments around a shared vision, goals and investment of resources for addressing homelessness.
Last year, the city hired BerryDunn, a consulting firm with extensive experience in local government and homelessness strategic planning to help guide the effort. BerryDunn reviewed the community feedback gathered through the Moss Adams report; interviewed key City staff to gather input on the City’s current strategies, goals, and needs for the future to further the work; and facilitated meetings with City leadership.
The goal of the leadership meeting was to bring all city departments together to lay out the foundation for the HSP by:
- Developing mission, vision and guiding principles
- Setting actionable, focused objectives for achieving the city’s goals on homelessness
Taking the ideas and goals from the leadership strategy session, City staff and BerryDunn are working to refine and finalize the framework for the HSP, which will build upon the work done over the last decade to lay out a transparent and systematic vision for the city’s homelessness response. The initial HSP framework will be presented to the City Council in early 2025.
The completed HSP and information on upcoming events related to the HSP will be posted to this site as they become available.
Upcoming Presentations to Boards and Commissions
Monday, October 07, 2024 6:30 am
Location: SMI Training Room
Wednesday, October 09, 2024 3:00 am
Human Services
Location: SMI Training Room
Thursday, October 10, 2024 1:30 am
Library Board
Location: Annenberg Beach House
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 6:00 am
Location: Council Chambers
Thursday, October 17, 2024 7:00 am
Recreation and Parks
Location: Council Chambers
Addressing Homelessness: 2024 Annual Homeless Report Video
Components of the HSP
Timeline item 1 - active
A short description of the City’s aspirations for a desired future state and the community impact it aims to achieve with its homelessness response.
Timeline item 2 - active
The purpose of the City's homelessness response.
Timeline item 3 - active
The specific outcomes the City aims to achieve over the time period of the strategic plan.
Timeline item 4 - active
The precise actions or measurable steps the City will take to make progress toward each goal.
Timeline item 5 - active
Performance Measures
Quantification of an activity or set of activities that provides objective evidence of the degree to which a performance result is occurring over time.