The City of Taylor is conducting a review of its current plan review and permitting processes to improve efficiency and consistency. This project will involve a review of existing regulations and processes, identify recommendations for improvement, and incorporate feedback from the development community.
As a part of the evaluation process, the City is requesting feedback from you! If you are a contractor, developer, architect, engineer, property owner, property manager, or have interacted with the permitting process, you are encouraged to provide feedback on your experiences. Your input will help guide improvements toward a more efficient and customer-friendly process. Thank you for participating!
Share your experience
Take the customer survey
If you are a contractor, developer, architect, engineer, property owner, property manager, homeowner, environmentalist, farmer or have another role in the permitting process, please provide feedback on your experience with the City's permit process.
What was your experience going through the permitting process?
Learn more about the project
Timeline item 1 - active
Phase 1: Current Environment Assessment
During this phase, the City will be soliciting input from the development community and working with the consultant team to evaluate current policies, procedures, and technology use and diagram current processes.
Timeline item 2 - incomplete
Phase 2: Recommendations for Improvement and Implementation Action Plan
During this phase, the consultant team will review feedback and assess policies, processes, and staffing. This data will inform a recommendations for improvement report, which will include actionable steps for the City to take to improve the overall permitting process. The City and consultant team will work to develop an implementation action plan to guide the successful implementation of recommendations.